Sango had sex with miroku

Sango had sex with miroku

Sango had sex with miroku

Sango had sex with miroku

Sango had sex with miroku

Sango had sex with miroku

As Naraku taunted Miroku for almost getting him, the villain fled. While doing some research, I found a Buddhist sect that I think would be a very good match for Miroku. More demons came out of the bushes and Rin did the only she could think of in the tight situation that she was in at the moment. She is stunned by this offer, followed by Inuyasha threatening Miroku to never make advances towards her again. Just grab something and keep moving. Start a Wiki.

Sango had sex with miroku

Sango had sex with miroku

Sango had sex with miroku

Sango had sex with miroku

The Incredible Condom Chapter 1: Kagome's Idea, an inuyasha fanfic | FanFiction

Things don't always go the way you plan them too The British and French pressured Japan to change the laws into a western pattern during this time frame or trying to fit into western civilization Japan altered its laws without pressure. Even more strange, the remains began turning into infant-like clumps of flesh. It felt good to be away from everything. I guess Inuyasha would be my best "guy" friend. What if Inuyasha grew up in the modern era?

Sango had sex with miroku

Sango had sex with miroku

Sango had sex with miroku

Sango had sex with miroku

Sango had sex with miroku

had with miroku sex Sango