Wives and bisexual husbands

Wives and bisexual husbands

Wives and bisexual husbands

Wives and bisexual husbands

Wives and bisexual husbands

Wives and bisexual husbands

Accepting your husband as he is is the first step towards a secure relationship. Comments are moderated by MomJunction editorial team to remove any personal, abusive, promotional, provocative or irrelevant observations. There are bisexual woman who are one man, one woman kinds or one man and many women type. Having a bisexual husband may be difficult for a wife to accept. The Times of India has updated its Privacy and Cookie policy. Sign Up. Scroll back to top of the page Back to top.

Wives and bisexual husbands

Wives and bisexual husbands

Wives and bisexual husbands

Wives and bisexual husbands

Heterosexual women's perceptions of their marriages to bisexual or homosexual men.

The reasons may vary from person to person because sexuality is highly individualistic. Tell him, he cannot be with any other woman than you. At the time of the study 11 of the 21 women were still married and living with their husbands, but most of them felt unsure that the marriage would last. Some are:. You need to know you are not delusional. However, a majority of participants continued to have sex both with their wives and partners. More from Global News.

Wives and bisexual husbands

Wives and bisexual husbands

Wives and bisexual husbands

Wives and bisexual husbands

Wives and bisexual husbands

Wives and bisexual husbands

bisexual husbands and Wives